use workdb2
WITH ##repeat_interval AS (
('01 day repeart', 1)
,('02 day repeart', 2)
,('03 day repeart', 3)
,('04 day repeart', 4)
,('05 day repeart', 5)
,('06 day repeart', 6)
,('07 day repeart', 7)
) AS a (index_name, interval_date)
,##rau_0501_0531 AS (
select cast(time as date) 'date', server, accountid
from example2.dbo.all_rau
cast(time as date) between '2020-05-01' and '2020-05-31'
group by
cast(time as date) , server, accountid
, ##login_0501_0731 AS (
select date, server, accountid
from workdb2.dbo.dau2
date between '2020-05-01' and '2020-07-31'
group by
date, server, accountid
, ##action_log_with_users AS (
select a.server
,a.date as return_date
,b.date as action_date
,max(b.date) over () as latest_date
,dateadd(dd, 1, a.date) 'next_day1'
from ##rau_0501_0531 a
left join ##login_0501_0731 b on a.server=b.server and a.accountid =b.accountid
, ##action_log_with_interval_date as (
select server
,dateadd(dd, interval_date, return_date) as index_date
from ##action_log_with_users a
cross join ##repeat_interval b
), ##user_action_flag as (
select server
,sign(sum(case when index_date <= latest_date then
case when index_date = action_date then 1 else 0 end
) as index_date_action
from ##action_log_with_interval_date
group by
select return_date
,avg(100.0* index_date_action) as repeat_rate
from ##user_action_flag
server = 'kr'
group by
return_date ,server,index_name
order by
return_date ,server,index_name
drop table #dau
declare @start_date datetime, @end_date datetime
set @start_date = '2020-01-01'
set @end_date = '2020-07-01'
select replace(convert(char(7), date, 120), '-', '') 'year_month'
into #dau
from workdb2.dbo.dau2 with (nolock)
date between convert(char(8), @start_date, 120) + '01' and convert(char(8), @end_date, 120) + '01'
group by
replace(convert(char(7), date, 120), '-', ''), server, accountid
select aa.year_month
,count(distinct aa.accountid) 'MAU'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+1 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+1'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+2 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+2'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+3 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+3'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+4 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+4'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+5 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+5'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+6 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+6'
,count(distinct case when bb.year_month = aa.year_month+7 then bb.accountid else null end) 'M+7'
from #dau aa
left join #dau bb on aa.accountid =bb.accountid and aa.server=bb.server
group by
aa.year_month, aa.server
declare @date datetime
set @date = '2020-06-01'
select aa.year_month
,count(distinct aa.accountid) 'users'
,count(distinct bb.accountid) 'M=1'
select replace(convert(char(7), @date, 120), '-', '') 'year_month'
from workdb2.dbo.dau2 with (nolock)
date between convert(char(8), @date, 120) + '01' and CONVERT(CHAR(10), DATEADD(mm, 1, @date) - DAY(@date), 23)
) as aa
left join
select replace(convert(char(7), @date, 120), '-', '') 'year_month'
from workdb2.dbo.dau2 with (nolock)
date between dateadd(mm, +1, convert(char(8) , @date, 120) + '01' ) and CONVERT(CHAR(10), DATEADD(mm, 2, @date) - DAY(@date), 23)
) as bb on aa.accountid=bb.accountid and aa.server=bb.server
group by
aa.year_month, aa.server
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