이번에 온 두번째 트위터 API 관련 G메일 답변...두번쨰 메일의 내용은 다음과 같다.
여윽시나 이전 답변이 성치 않아서 다시 답변이 온건지는 모르겠다.
(트위터 API로 스팸적인 것때문에 API 발급 자체가 매우 까다로워진게 아닌가 싶다.)
트위터 API 관련 메일 두번째 답변
일단 G메일로 온 메일은 다음과 같은 영어로 왔다.
Thanks for your interest in building on Twitter!
To finish our review of your application, please reply to the following questions:
What’s your key use case or business purpose for using the Twitter APIs?
Do you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content? If yes, how will you run this analysis?
Will your use case involve Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content? If yes, how will you interact with the Twitter accounts?
Will you display Twitter content outside of Twitter? If yes, how and where will you display the content? Will Twitter content be displayed at row level or aggregated?
We appreciate your help!
후... 좀 깐깐하긴 하다. 그래도 내가 API 사용과 관련된 잘못된 내용을 분명 보낸 것 같아서 성심성의껏 하나하나 답변을 달아서 써보도록 했다. 물론 구글, 파파고 번역기로 돌린 것이니 그리 구창한 영어를 잘할 필요가 없다. 트위터 API로 스팸적인 것을 걸러내려는 목적으로 된 것이니 진정성 있게 컨텐츠를 API 를 통해 잘 쓰겠다고 정성스럽게 쓰면 왠지 될 것 같아서 그런 의도로 작성했다. 물론.. 3번째 메일 답변도 받을 수 있다. ㅠㅠ
Hello, This is OOO
I will answer your questions regarding the Twitter API.
I hope this helps
If you have further questions regarding more details, feel free to let me know.
What’s your key use case or business purpose for using the Twitter APIs?
-> I'm doing a business in Korea. I opened an online shopping mall in Korea and made many beautiful designs of my own. Therefore, I would like to upload contents with my design through Twitter API and have a good engagement with Twitter users.
Do you intend to analyze Tweets, Twitter users, or their content? If yes, how will you run this analysis?
> Of course, as a user who has used Twitter, I know that indicators such as tweets, retweets, and likes are very important. Therefore, I would like to analyze my design and tweet contents in detail to find out what design Twitter users prefer and what design they like. Therefore, I would like to think deeply about ways to increase the number of followers within Twitter through Twitter users' favorite designs.
Will your use case involve Tweeting, Retweeting, or liking content? If yes, how will you interact with the Twitter accounts?
> Of course. Not only design, but I will post various contents such as GIFs and short videos to show customers what design they prefer by producing contents etc. In addition, if there are many tweets on your favorite design, we plan to expand communication with Twitter users with retweets on what you like about these designs. Through the use of Twitter API, I hope it will be a good opportunity to expand communication through many retweets and likes through my beautiful design, various GIFs, and short video contents.
Will you display Twitter content outside of Twitter? If yes, how and where will you display the content? Will Twitter content be displayed at row level or aggregated?
> I don't have a plan to display Twitter content outside yet. I hope that there will be a lot of interactions with Twitter users first through retweets and likes only on Twitter. However, it is welcome if my beautiful design content is spread outside by additional Twitter users. However, I plan to use Twitter contents only in Twitter through Twitter API.
Best regards
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